Welcome to our "Postcards Across America" blog. We've created this site to track where we receive postcards from. Our kids have a summer project of collecting postcards from as many places as they can! We hope you will help us!!! Many people travel throughout the summer months when the kids are off school and while doing some traveling, we'd like for you to send us a postcard. Our goal is to collect at least one postcard from each of the 50 US States (and even beyond if anyone is traveling outside the country!!). We plan to post where each one comes from and a photo of each postcard. Feel free to send us multiples from different places you travel too. Don't feel you need to travel far from home to participate... there are plenty of neat places to visit closer to home or for day trips, in addition to vacations further away from home. We will gladly post ALL postcards received!
Please help us... and ask your friends and family to help us too! If you want to follow along with us, keep checking this blog.
Postcards can be mailed to:
Postcards Across America
c/o Ryan, Eddie and Braden
P.O. Box 178
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Thanks so much for helping us out!